Dec 10, 2010

adventures at the workplace

water delivery guy just dropped one of these puppies upstairs.
consequently, it’s raining in our office.

Dec 4, 2010

all i want for christmash

rollllllerrrrr skates

 cutler and gross frames... shexy

unitedthread owl print

a whole bunch of robertagrove ornaments

 panasonic headphones

dunlop big stubby picks

speaks for itself

ticket to portland

digital voice recorder... so i can get song ideas down... and sleep during lectures

acoustic-electric bass... sexy

a house in the countryside, aaaaand...

a loft in the city to make lots of messes in

Nov 4, 2010

ramblings abouts the lifes

life is getting kind of hectic lately, but in a really, really good way.

working on a logo for a friend's music project, sketching up a tattoo for another friend, meeting up with yet another friend's producer to talk about recording a 4 song demo (AAGGHHHHH), getting my art portfolio together to get in the fine arts program at university, and saving up money to start a life for myself, with someone who make me so happy i might start oozing glitter and sequin barf.

for some reason though, i've never felt more at ease about everything that's going on. usually if i have more than two things on my plate at a time, i just fold. i'm starting to finally find that balance that has eluded me for years.

Oct 30, 2010

fall makes me want things

maxi skirts

knuckle rings... drooooool.

boots, of course.

lots and lots of them. i just got these in the mail a couple
 days ago and haven't taken them off since. seriously, 
they're comfy enough to sleep in!

oversized hoodies

actually, any hoodie, but this looks so overly comfy. also 
totally goes with my bag-lady look.

navajo print stuff

groupings of brooches

big floppy clutches

Oct 26, 2010

wedding inspiration

i don't know, there must be something in the air. don't judge me.